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Signs of an Unhappy Employee

An unhappy employee sitting at a laptop looking upset with a man standing behind her.

As Abraham Lincoln said, “you can’t please all of the people all of the time.” Your employees, however, are the ones you should always try to keep happy and engaged, because if they aren’t, your business could be in for some trouble. How can you tell if you have an unhappy employee? Here are some […]

Increase the Profound Impact of Strengths Interventions – How to increase company profits by focusing on your team’s strengths.

A group of employees working collaboratively at an office to increase company profits

Businesses often have one main goal – increase company profits. Given low workplace engagement and high worker expectations about their jobs, companies need to focus on playing to the strengths of their employees, rather than help them improve on their weaknesses. Traditionally, employees are assigned where they are most needed in the organization, rather than […]

Uncovering Employee Strengths and Applying Them to Your Team

Two women in an office giving each other a high five - employee strengths

It makes sense that employees will work better and be more engaged if you as a manager are playing to their strengths. How do you figure out what they’re best at? Here are some ways to help you find out what your employee strengths are and how to use those talents to benefit your whole […]

Keeping Remote Employees Connected and Engaged

A woman working at her laptop and drinking a cup of coffee - remote employees

Working remotely is getting to be nearly as normal as working in an office. In fact, last year, 43 percent of employed Americans spent at least part of their time working remotely, according to a Gallup survey. Of course, there are major benefits that come from telecommuting—avoiding traffic and flexible hours, just to name a […]

The Future of Your Company May Lie in Executive Coaching

A group of employees working collaboratively with sticky notes - executive coaching

Every company faces new challenges and must overcome slumps at some time or another. Your executive team can be integral to tackling these issues head-on, but they may not prepared to do so. Or, while you employ highly skilled people, and have good systems and processes for getting things done, your company is stagnant. It […]

Leadership Development Keeps Pace with Today’s Challenges

A group of people (leaders) working collaboratively in an office setting.

Given that 81% of new hires fail and the true cost of bad hires can be significant, many companies are choosing to train, hire and develop their leadership teams internally. They are investing in their leaders to prepare them for new opportunities and any unforeseen changes that today’s world may bring. Requirements for today’s leaders. […]